Hopkins, Sarah Artist and printmaker in South Wales, Great Britain, with diverse projects, photos and contact information. http://www.sarah-hopkins.co.uk/ Sarah-hopkins.co.uk~Site InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check
Dang, Tai Tai Dang is a multimedia performance artist from NYC who has photographed and performed dance-theater works in the United States and internationally. http://taidang.com Taidang.com~Site InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check
Verzi, Edgardo Interactive art performed by means of print, video, projection, installation and sound. Contact information included; located in Uruguay. http://www.edgardoverzi.com Edgardoverzi.com~Site InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check
Elroy, Atomic Video installation and performance artist. Contact information included; located in Denver, Colorado. http://www.atomicelroy.com Atomicelroy.com~Site InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check
Uwe Mengel Interactive site of writer, director and performance artist Uwe Mengel. Text in English and German. http://www.umengel.com Umengel.com~Site InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check
Warner, Nick The Lexington, KY based performance artist is Owlconer. Show dates, contact information, media and socio/technological commentary. http://www.owlconer.com Owlconer.com~Site InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check
Huart, Nadine Web site showing some of my paintings such as trompe l'oeil(trick the eye), still life and decorative pannels. http://www.nadinehuart.com Nadinehuart.com~Site InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check