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Enter Web Site URL Address: Activity Context Representation: Technology and Languages
Pervasive context-aware computing technologies are essential enablers for the next generation digital workplace, research workflows, healthcare and consumer playspace. These technologies are expected to be in the mainstream starting in the next 5 years. Context-aware cognitive support requires activity and context information to be captured and moved across devices – securely, efficiently and with multi-device interoperability.  To enable this interoperability, this workshop will explore and attempt a synthesis of hitherto independently researched topics of task modeling / representation and context capture / representation.  This one day academia-industry workshop will explore technologies for synthesis of context representation methods within a task / activity model. This is a great opportunity to create an international consortium for standardizing task / activity model representations and context representations for assistive cognition devices, the digital workplace and the consumer playspace. Major benefits include seamless context switching across devices / tasks (recall work from Pattie Maes’ lab from MIT Media Lab) and ability to record, reuse and enable semantic task reasoning / search within institutional tribal knowledge and consumer actions.  Technical Motivation: As we know, cognitive support requires activity and context information to be captured and moved across devices – securely, efficiently, with multi-device interoperability. Task modeling has traditionally been the domain of HCI in ACM-SIGCHI-like forums with cognitive psychologists leading the way. Context representation has received a lot of attention in the computer science community and among mobile software vendors. We are hoping to create technology for representation using a synthesis of these approaches in this workshop.  Intended End Results of the Workshop: 1. Create specific opportunities for collaborative work in the areas of human-computer interaction, semantic computing, task modeling and context representation between academia and industry. 2. Develop two-three key themes for research and standardization focus in this academically and commercially important area for the next five years. 3. Key Outcome: Create a core research group forming an academic industry international consortium to significantly augment existing standards / drafts / proposals and create fresh initiatives to enable capture, transfer, and recall of activity context across multiple devices and platforms.  

Activity Context Representation: Technology and Languages

Description: Pervasive context-aware computing technologies are essential enablers for the next generation digital workplace, research workflows, healthcare and consumer playspace. These technologies are expected to be in the mainstream starting in the next 5 years. Context-aware cognitive support requires activity and context information to be captured and moved across devices – securely, efficiently and with multi-device interoperability. To enable this interoperability, this workshop will explore and attempt a synthesis of hitherto independently researched topics of task modeling / representation and context capture / representation. This one day academia-industry workshop will explore technologies for synthesis of context representation methods within a task / activity model. This is a great opportunity to create an international consortium for standardizing task / activity model representations and context representations for assistive cognition devices, the digital workplace and the consumer playspace. Major benefits include seamless context switching across devices / tasks (recall work from Pattie Maes’ lab from MIT Media Lab) and ability to record, reuse and enable semantic task reasoning / search within institutional tribal knowledge and consumer actions. Technical Motivation: As we know, cognitive support requires activity and context information to be captured and moved across devices – securely, efficiently, with multi-device interoperability. Task modeling has traditionally been the domain of HCI in ACM-SIGCHI-like forums with cognitive psychologists leading the way. Context representation has received a lot of attention in the computer science community and among mobile software vendors. We are hoping to create technology for representation using a synthesis of these approaches in this workshop. Intended End Results of the Workshop: 1. Create specific opportunities for collaborative work in the areas of human-computer interaction, semantic computing, task modeling and context representation between academia and industry. 2. Develop two-three key themes for research and standardization focus in this academically and commercially important area for the next five years. 3. Key Outcome: Create a core research group forming an academic industry international consortium to significantly augment existing standards / drafts / proposals and create fresh initiatives to enable capture, transfer, and recall of activity context across multiple devices and platforms.

Keywords: Pervasive context-aware computing technologies are essential enablers for the next generation digital workplace, research workflows, healthcare and consumer playspace. These technologies are expected to be in the mainstream starting in the next 5 years. Context-aware cognitive support requires activity and context information to be captured and moved across devices – securely, efficiently and with multi-device interoperability. To enable this interoperability, this workshop will explore and attempt a synthesis of hitherto independently researched topics of task modeling / representation and context capture / representation. This one day academia-industry workshop will explore technologies for synthesis of context representation methods within a task / activity model. This is a great opportunity to create an international consortium for standardizing task / activity model representations and context representations for assistive cognition devices, the digital workplace and the consumer playspace. Major benefits include seamless context switching across devices / tasks (recall work from Pattie Maes’ lab from MIT Media Lab) and ability to record, reuse and enable semantic task reasoning / search within institutional tribal knowledge and consumer actions. Technical Motivation: As we know, cognitive support requires activity and context information to be captured and moved across devices – securely, efficiently, with multi-device interoperability. Task modeling has traditionally been the domain of HCI in ACM-SIGCHI-like forums with cognitive psychologists leading the way. Context representation has received a lot of attention in the computer science community and among mobile software vendors. We are hoping to create technology for representation using a synthesis of these approaches in this workshop. Intended End Results of the Workshop: 1. Create specific opportunities for collaborative work in the areas of human-computer interaction, semantic computing, task modeling and context representation between academia and industry. 2. Develop two-three key themes for research and standardization focus in this academically and commercially important area for the next five years. 3. Key Outcome: Create a core research group forming an academic industry international consortium to significantly augment existing standards / drafts / proposals and create fresh initiatives to enable capture, transfer, and recall of activity context across multiple devices and platforms.

Tags: activitycontext, context, activity, representation, languages, technology, rss, aaai, follow, reddit, facebook, delicious, digg, twitter, stumble, workshop, research, program, techniques, motivation, committee, related, organizing, workshops, international, consortium, participation, chair, technical, important, finin, tim, intended, shastri, questions, lokendra, task, contact, place, henry,

Content Revalency: Title: 83.33%   Description: 69.59%   Keywords: 69.59%  |  Document size: 48,325 bytes
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