#164524. International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Welcome to the International Institute for Sustainable Development. IISD's vision is better living for all—sustainably; its mission is to champion innovation, enabling societies to live sustainably. We use internet communications, global partnerships, capacity building and rigorous research to bridge the gap between knowledge and action and to advance sustainable development in the North and South.
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#164528. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum
The John F. Kennedy library and museum home page. Access the Kennedy Library Digital Archives, which includes 300,000 scanned documents, films, and audio clips with materials such as early drafts of the John F. Kennedy inaugural address.
John f. kennedy inaugural address, inaugural address of john f. kennedy, jfk inaugural address, john f kennedy inaugural address, jfk inaugural address.
Jfklibrary.org ~
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#164530. Medi 1, la radio du grand Maghreb au Maroc : Actualité, Informations, Programmes, Musique, Emissions, Magazines en arabe et français, Musique Soufie, Conseils
Medi1, Radio méditerranée internationale, Radio d'information, Musique, Culture, Magazines, Art, Sport... Radio du Grand Maghreb : Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie, Lybie, Mauritanie... Radio Bilingue : Arabe, Français... Actualité Internationale : Monde, Europe, Moyen Orient, Palestine, Israël, Irak, Iran, Liban, Etats-Unis, France, Afghanistan... Emissions artistiques : Beit assadaka, artistes, acteurs, interviews, scoops, Musique soufie spirituelle, Conseils pratiques..
Medi1.com ~
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