#391431. Welcome to Shareware Junction - Free software downloads!
Welcome to Shareware Junction... your source for Shareware, Freeware, Demos, Betas and Pre-Releases. This is the place to come for a first look at the hottest new software. Shareware companies need your support. Beta testing is a unique opportunity to try the latest programs and provide feedback directly to the program developers. The final version of many programs is often determined by suggestions from testers like you. Shareware Junction lets you choose from a variety of these products - all in one convenient location. ~
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#391432. / Quilting Gallery
The Quilting Gallery features free patterns, tutorials, tips and techniques, videos, guest bloggers, swaps, contests and fabulous photos of finished quilts. You'll also find the Quilting Bloggers directory with more than 4,500 quilters from around the world. It's also home to the new Quilt Shop Locator, a unique way to find quilt shops and professionals world-wide and Quilter's Market with fabulous quilting products. ~
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