#420022. Donna Fenn | Upstarts! | Home
Upstarts! How GenY Entrepreneurs Are Rocking the World of Business and 8 Ways You Can Profit From Their Success, by Donna Fenn, is book about entrepreneurs in their twenties and the unique and innovative ways in which they start and grow their companies. Upstarts! provides valuable information for all business owners who want to understand the tactics and strategies they will need to use to compete and succeed in the coming years.
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#420025. Home - International Museum of Women
I.M.O.W. is an online social change museum that amplifies the voices of women worldwide through global online exhibitions, the arts and cultural programs that educate, create dialogue and build community. With its unique focus on cultural change, I.M.O.W. inspires global action, connects people across borders and transforms hearts and minds to advance the human right to gender equity worldwide.
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