#568913. Giełda ROW - Ogłoszenia Rybnik, Jastrzębie, Wodzisław, Żory, Rydułtowy, Pszów, Leszczyny, Racibórz , Knurów
Darmowa giełda ogłoszeniowa w okolicach Rybnika, Jastrzębia, Wodzisława i Żor ~
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#568918. Hyperspots — Advertising by choice!
We open up new revenue streams from your online videos and pictures by making them clickable. Hyperspots separates viewers who want additional information from viewers who don't, resulting in phenomenally high click though rates! Terms like interactive video, clickable video and hypervideo don't accurately describe Hyperspots. We see our system as a media analytics and monetization platform focused on direct market research providing interestgraphic analyzer tools that take the guess work out of understanding what the public wants. Click our video to see what we mean...! ~
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