Meeting Place for Reverts/Converts To Islam
Description: This site is aimed as a general meeting place for all Muslims. In
particular those new to Islam who have unanswered questions, or perhaps
need the support of their new found brothers and sisters during this big
change in their life. Of course, those who are searching and have not yet
decided on Islam as their religion, may also find this site helpful to
them. Those who were born muslims, or converted some time ago, have the
opportunity to share their knowledge and experience with others on this
website, and inshaAllah they will be rewarded for their efforts
Keywords: help for new muslims, muslim help, shopping, islamic help, counselling,
islamic counselling, islamic guidance, guidance, islamic assistance,
coping with being a new muslim, reasons for becoming a muslim, Issues of
interest to Converts To Islam and Muslims, New Muslims, Converts To Islam,
Muslim Reverts, Jesus, Islam, Muhammad, Muslims, Quran, Sunnah, Reverts To
Islam, shia, the right path, fatima, hussein, hasan, ali, mahdi, hadeeth,
prophet, zaynab, ahlul-bayt, religion, allah, god, convert, revert