FIS - Worldwide Leader In Seafood Information And Services Since 1995
Description: FIS is the most comprehensive web site for the commercial fishing industry. It serves the fishing, aquaculture and seafood industries by concentrating news, information and market data on one web site.
Keywords: FIS, commercial fishing, fishing, fishing companies, aquaculture, seafood, fish, fish prices, fish market reports, fish news, fish aquaculture, tuna, salmon, tilapia, shrimp, squid, lobster, sea urchin, surimi, mackerel, cod, eel, herring, crab, mussels, fishmeal, monkfish, sardine, shark, octopus, abalone, Globefish, Intrafish, Alibaba, Eurofish, www.aquafind.com, www.fishmarket.com, www.intrafish.no, www.seafoodsource.com, www.seafood.com, www.sea-ex.com, www.fishbase.org, www.seafood-today.com, www.euroseafood.com, bluefin, yellowfin, clam, oyster, anchovy, fishoil, trawler, longliner, purseiner, jigger, octopus, mahi-mahi, escolar, kingcrab, cuttlefish, pangasius, basa, skipjack, cobia, krill, nissui, maruha, maersk, trout, catfish, pollock, redfish, seabass, seafood guide, nutreco, orca, dolphin, seabream, fiskaren, fiskauktion, fisk, sole, flounder, halibut, WAS, EAS, FAO, MSC, SGS, HACCP, ISO, UKAS, DEFRA, USDA, USDC, FDA, ACC, Aquaculture Certification Council, BASC, BRC, British Retail Consortium, BVQ, Dolphin Safe, EFSIS, European Food Safety Inspection Service, Friend of the Sea, GMP, GMPB, HALAL, IFQC, IFS, International Food Standard, Kosher, Organic, QCS, Quality Certification Services, Seafood, sea food, sea-food, sustainable, environmental, tuna farm, bluefin tuna, seafood market