#121221. Mexico news and opinion
Mexico, Mexican, Mexican news, Mexican politics, Mexican government, Mexico opinion, Mexico commentary, Mexico travel, hotels, homes, Latin America news, Mexico-U.S. affairs, MexiData, MexiData.info
Mexidata.info ~
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#121224. GemWorld Division of Jack Slevkoff's Prized Possessions
Provides gems, jewelry, gem rough, lapidary equipment, tools, supplies, books, information, testing equipment, geology and rockhound tools, jeweler's tools, tumblers, abrasive grits, settings, displays, boxes, lapidary services, etc.
Gemworld.com ~
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#121229. MiCocinaLatina.com
Enjoy Hispanic cooking and baking recipes from Carnation. Share in the variety of traditions at MiCocinaLatina.com and offer your own unique expression of Hispanic culture. Join the Circle of Friends to earn points and win sweepstakes prizes.
Micocinalatina.com ~
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