#956602. ScoreDoom
ScoreDoom attempts to make playing & re-playing Doom wads more fun in both single-player and multi-player co-op, without changing the standard Doom gameplay and feel.
ScoreDoom adds an arcade style scoring system to Doom, similar to Halo3's campaign meta-game. Points are scored when shooting/killing monsters, achieving map objectives, finding secrets & map items in the quickest time possible (as well as scoring points in other ways). In single-player, each wad/wad-episode and level will have its own hi-score which can be set. In co-op, each player competes to score the most points on a map, or across a whole wad, where the competing scores are clearly seen. A points-spread stat is also visible to tell players how far behind the leader they are.
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#956607. Tillmans Corner, Alabama (AL) Hotels, Yellow Pages, Homes, Weather, Apartments, Jobs, and more
City of Tillmans Corner, Alabama. Find hotels, homes, jobs, apartments, yellow pages, and events in Tillmans Corner. Also weather, restaurants, schools, businesses, city information and other info for Tillmans Corner.
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