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#980034. Cemetery - the Photography of John Thomas Grant | SmugMug
contact information:John Thomas GrantRockport, Facebook My Blog My book "Final Thoughts" will be on bookstore shelves toward the end of 2011. Published by Schiffer Publishing, it will be a coffeetable style book that combines my cemetery art with epitaphs. An emotional journey of life and death. Funeral Director's Chat Photographic service available anywhere in the World. Contact me for rates and information. A request - I've noticed some use of my work on unauthorized print material. Now, I'm gratified that some folks found my work good enough to use in representation of their organizations, but, please, let me know if you would like to use my work. That's the right thing to do, and that's something you're supposed to do the bottom of this page...permission anyone? I am only asking for proper respect and proper credit where my work is used. Unless, of course, you're some big Nat'l/Int'l product, or a famous rock star, then have your check book ready. Thanks again. "Introduction" Oh...for the peace and solitude of these splendid domiciles of the deceased. Away from the enfilade of mortal life I wander in faultless placidity. I reflect on the unseen lives shrouded in grass, and dirt, and stone. I dwell upon the bygone times of their lifes journey. The lives they touched, and were touched by, I wonder; and I give them breath again in my mind... It may sound odd to you but, I love cemeteries, and, by the bye, I'm not alone. There are thousands of people from all walks of life that share my fondness for these eternal gardens. My interest in cemeteries began with my interest and study in Genealogy. Yes...I'm a genealogist. I've always wanted to investigate my family as far back as my clan, the churches and governments, the hordes of olde, and history will allow me. Very early on I realized that a lot of 'my clan' were now dead and buried. With flowers, notepad, and camera in hand, I went to cemeteries to discover my roots. One day, while visiting a Grand-Aunt and her two husbands at Calvary Cemetery in Queens, New York, something told me to put down the pencil and pickup the camera, and take a look around. Not one to be a lousy guest in someone else's home, I did as I was told. It didn't take me long to realize that, "I can do this". Click, click, click, what an incredible inspiration came over me! I found my place in photography. No matter what happens, I know how to shoot a cemetery. I love these places! Dawn had arisen. I've had a number of requests for my complete catalogue of cemetery photographs. I am most happy to oblige. Thanks to the internet, and now, SmugMug, they're all here and up-to-date. The categories are broken down for ease of passage. Just click on the specific link and you will be transported to that section. As always, the "New Today" section which will carry my most recent pics before they're categorized. There will be hundreds of pictures here by the time I'm done, so this feature should save you some time in future visits. No sense in going through them all again, unless you want to, looking for the latest selections. Anyway, my sincerest thanks for your support and please stay in touch. *****FanMail**** The following are some of the comments that I've received from people that have stopped by my earlier website. I am deeply touched and most grateful for each and every one of the following. My sincerest thanks to all. Also, additional comments contained within gallery. R.B. - "John, your use of your art, the beauty of the images and the power evoked by the written words will do more for cemetery preservation than any group, website, or individual could hope to aspire to. We all have relied on records, cemetery caregivers, history books etc and etc.. Using your art form and talents bring people to life, gives them names, personalities, and makes us all ponder their personal stories and wonder WHO they were as people. You act as a catalyst to allow these graves to "speak" and thus be "befriended". All lovers of beauty and the human condition will surely buy your book and pass it on to relatives and friends. Consider your work as an investment in the future for these cemeteries. You are the best caregiver they could ask for. From one dedicated to cemetery preservation I thank you." R.S. - "This transmits such a sense of reverence. I am taking time enjoying your photos, they touch my life John." M.M.D., U.K. - "Genius! what a clever & artistic eye you have, I'm (dead) jealous! you are an inspiration!" A.B., Romania - "Every photograph of yours tells a fascinating story, thank you" H.B. - "I am currently studying A-Level photography and have decided to look at graveyards for my next project. When searching through other photographs of graveyards I came across yours. I have been really inspired by your work and I'm going to include you in my project." M.D. - "I can get into the cemetery scene...and your photographs are exquisite. You have raised the dead for that final recognition." M.M. - "I really understand that every time I look at your art. There are so many emotions in some of them. But all of them have their own story to tell. That is one of the rules that I try to live by. I have a strong feeling that what you teach me, both through our emails and through your art, I will carry with me throughout my life. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me. B.T. - "i have to say that these pictures are more beautiful than words could express. you are extremely talented with your camera and you have an eye that captures everything at a breathless moment. you bring life to every statue the you photograph. you are the one to call to bring life through a picture. wow." D.W., Ca. - "John Thomas Grant does something magic to make each grave stone look unique and special. I wonder if the person under looks at his final place on earth and says “someone does remember me.” The photos do honor the deceased in a special memorial. If you haven’t found this site before please take a good look…you will know why you love cemeteries. Looking at these pictures is a favorite past time of mine." M. W-B., S.C. - "I just found your website and I wanted to tell you how absolutely beautiful your work is." "I have to tell you, I'm hooked on cemetery photography now....especially after seeing your website. I look forward to seeing more of your work as you update your site." B.M. - "Have you published a book with your wonderful cemetery art-pictures?" L.G. - "John, I loved your photos; they're beautiful. I enjoyed your website. I'm also interested in the beauty of cemeteries & the history of families & lives forgotten that they represent. Take good care of yourself." Simon, Texas - "I'd thought cremation would be the way I would go, but after seeing your photos of cemeteries, I'm not so sure now" D.R., South Africa - "Your work is fantastic. Thanks for putting me on the mailing list." Andrew, Utah - "You do for cemeteries what Adams did for the American West - very inspiring - Thanks." J.I., Oregon - "Your images are truly beautiful. For a long time, I thought I was alone in the world in how I feel when I go to a cemetery." "I'm quite happy to hear you're getting an awesome setup! The images you create sir, are worthy of nothing less than the latest and greatest technologies." "By and large you're a photographic genius!" E.S. - "Your photos are beautiful. I fell in love with cemetery photography when i went to Paris and saw Pierre Lachaise. I had never seen anything like that before. I live in small town Alabama and our monument are usually these very boring marble headstones. When I saw the statues and monuments and just the way they (Parisians) honored their dead, I was blown away. I came across you site and was completely sucked in, your photos are amazing. Just wanted to let you know that someone new appreciates your work." S.P. - "I just wanted to tell you that I stumbled upon your cemetery photography today. I am *wowed*. It is simply BEAUTIFUL & I wanted to tell you that I thought you have done a FANTASTIC job. I would love it if you might be able to give me some pointers on where I might start to learn how to take the kind of pictures that you have taken. You have beautiful composition & great depth of field. What kind of camera do you shoot with? Thank you for taking the time to read this email & I look forward to your response. Hope you have a wonderful day." D.P. - "I want to thank you for sharing your cemetery photos on your website. I have long been a fan of the sculptures that grace the resting places of those that have passed away." "I have been drawn in to the beauty of the surroundings. The enjoyment of this mostly unnoticed and unappreciated art form has been a secret pleasure of mine. I have recently started to photograph some of these statues that catch my interest. This brings me to the reason for this note to you. I have been searching for photographs taken by other people that coincide with how I look at them. Not as documentation of a life well lived and fondly remembered, but as if the sculptures were subjects of a sitting with a portrait photographer. As I looked through your site, I realized that you are that such photographer. I cannot tell you how many times one of your photos made me say "He gets it" or "That shot tells the story". I am thankful to have experienced your photos and I can assure you that your site will be in my site favorites to be visited again and again. Thank you again for sharing your photographic perspective. I look forward to any additional photos that you may take in the future." A. W., West Virginia - "I just wanted to let you know that I think your photography and website are fantastic! I love old gravestones and statues and you have definitely done them justice. Thanks for the lovely tour" S.H. - "I just discovered your site and wanted to compliment you on the beauty of your photos. I too love cemeteries. Keep up the excellent work - it is certainly appreciated by those of us who share your interest. A. - "From one cemetery lover to another I just wanted to say that you have some truly beautiful photos of monuments through out your site. I love your site." K.W., Florida - "I really love your work. Do you have any books of your collections for sale???" "Thanks J. That is very exciting. Please keep me posted & allow for advance purchases of your books! I have loved old cemeteries all my life , actually anything old suits me. I have the utmost respect & reverence for these silent cities." C.G., Florida - "Just checked out your site and your photography is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Good to hear from you. I have a Nikon D80 and love it but sometimes wish I got the 300. What camera have you been using? Your postproduction work is beautiful. Are you using Photoshop? You do just enough to enhance but not too much to look forced. Gorgeous. I have passed your site on to a few people and said "You have to check out this guys work!" Keep in touch. Let me know when you update your site with the new camera! Enjoy!" J.M., Florida - "I just wanted to say that your photos are absolutely amazing! They make me want to go take pictures so badly.. I only wish we had cemeteries that beautiful in Florida! :(" M.C. - "I've been interested in cemetery photography for quite a while, and happened to find your website. I just wanted to let you know I love your work. It really is a cut above the vast majority of cemetery photography I've seen." S.L. - "I just looked at all of your photos of statues and I'm *really* impressed! I share your passion for cemetery photography, and in fact I've taken photos at cemeteries all over Europe & the U.S. I consider myself to be a very good photographer, but I think your photos are truly outstanding. Do you have any plans to publish a book? I'd buy a copy in a second! (Btw; Green-Wood and Woodlawn are two of my favorites, also)." M.M. - "I was googling images for Cypress Hills Cemetery when I came across your at first showed the immense masoleums that I remembered from my child hood and adolescence, and...I felt those memories run through me so strong... I was looking at something I had been wanting to see for years and years, ever since age 14 when I moved out of Queens after the death of my father...I had never seen those cemeteries again...and I am 22 years old now. You see, my mother and father used to bring me to Cypress Hills cemetery as a child, to visit my grandfather's grave. It was usually in autumn that we went. Years later, when I was 12, my mother passed away and was buried at Cypress Hills in the same grave that we used to visit. My father and I went to the grave everyday to visit her and tend to the roses we planted there. As we did this, we used to drive through the cemetery, looking at and talking of the graves there. I was very attracted to the old ones in particular, as was he... We used to explore other cemeteries as well...some of these are my happiest yet saddest memories. When I turned 14, my father passed, was cremated and his ashes were buried with my mother's in that grave I mentioned earlier. So many memories in that cemetery... I know this may seem like an outlandishly personal email...but your photography brought back so much for me, things I think about on a daily basis, as those cemeteries (Mostly Cypress Hills and the one located across from it...what is the name of that one?) are such a huge part of my childhood. You know, I even dream about these masoleums, these graves, and its like I am really there (because I really I am through sleep)...and with the pictures you took, I feel as if I am in those dreams. Thank you for making a site in dedication to the beauty of cemetery...the art of death...for, all I seem to search for in life, is the perfect necropolis...and its found in your pictures. Please write back if you can. Have a good day. " K.D., U.K. - "Hello MR. Grant, I am a student at college studying photography as one of my subjects. I came across some of your photographs on the internet that interested me on your website. If it's not too much of a bother. I just need some information from you about the kind of equipment you use whilst doing your work. E.G Camera types, lense types, areas of intrest, Styles, inspirations. All these things are to back up my research. Without this, I can say that you were an inspiration to the photos i have been taking. Thank you or your time, and hope to hear from you soon." G.T., South Carolina - "Just a note to say that I came across your Cemetery web site today and I must say thank you. Your photographs are works of art and the statement they make about how we remember our loved ones whom we knew well and our ancestors whom we never knew is an inspiration." R.H., Detroit, MI. - "I just wanted to mail you and say that I loved your pictures! I take a real fascination with the Angels of cemeteries. Thank you for the smile today!" K.I. - "Hello there, I just had to tell you. Your website of cemetery photography is best site I've ever seen. You have such beautiful photos. Keep up the wonderful work. I'm adding your url to my site so everyone that visits can check out your site. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photography. Sincerely, K.I." Rich - "I would like to express my thanks to you for putting up such an interesting and beautiful site. Even as a child I was fascinated by cemeteries, gravestones, mausoleums and hearses. Perhaps it started with seeing "House of Usher" or maybe "Premature Burial" which played in the theatre around the same time. I haven't shared that with many people for I realized they would think I was either strange or morbid. I, like yourself, have walked thru cemeteries and taken pictures and stopped to view gravestones and wondered about the lives of those now past. So many thoughts and things to ponder. All I meant to do was say thank you for your site. I am thoroughly enjoying it and also your most interesting style of writing in your introduction. I would have enjoyed reading a page about you as well." V.O., Bronx, New York - "I discovered your website while browsing the Internet for sources relative to funerary practices. I required some examples for an art history course I am taking. I found your site to contain some of the most wonderful photos of Mausoleums, Gravestones, and Statues I have encountered in photographs. There are many sites out there that exhibit such a theme, but your site and photos capture a feeling and metaphysical tone that is simply endearing. Many of your photos are of objects found in the Woodlawn Cemetery. I am not one to traverse cemeteries, but I am immensely awed by the many aesthetically exquisite gravestone objects I truly had no idea existed within that cemetery - having only had peripheral passes by it, and being a resident of the Bronx. Your photos have given me reason to pay a visit to what is not only a sacred burial place but an open air museum. I look forward to future visits of your site." K.G., Auburn, New York - "As I continued to look at your cemetery photographs after I sent my initial email, I was moved beyond words at the beauty of your photographs. You manage to take an otherwise cold and somewhat distant subject matter and create warmth and incredible beauty. Your 'eye' in your photographs is simply amazing. Thank you for your willingness to share your talent. I look forward to receiving the photographs." H.M., Florida - "hi john, i must say thank you again... the picture just blew me away! i have been having a few down days,but, you lifted me. ''The lives they touched, and were touched by. I wonder; and I give them breath again in my mind...'' thank you john....." and "wow !!!!!!!! great shot !!!!!, you've got a great eye for these pictures, the shots look as if they are they ?" S.H., Houston, Texas - "I absolutely love your photography!! One of the best sites I have ever seen. (I love cemeteries too)" S.G., New York - "I am totally in love with your webpage man, so relaxing, I think because I was born October 31st, it makes sense for me to love the head stones and cemetery’s." Peggy - "Mr Grant, I'm so glaaaaad that someone like yourself is going around doing this. The family of those that in craves are gone themselves, so who can or will take care of them. I want to Thank you very much for taking care of them. I have a parents & a son that have gone. I pray that when it is my time that someone will take care of mine.God bless you & keep you safe." Minda Powers-Douglas - Epitaphs Magazine - "First, I have to say that your photos are splendid. Absolutely gorgeous. Photos I wish I had taken myself! You have an amazing eye and a great technique. And the way you get the color to pop is just awesome. I wish I had seen your work before I decided to take the magazine online because any one of your shots would have made a fabulous cover. " S. L. - ICCFA Magazine - "Yes, I do like your photos, Mr. Grant. Some have an Eliot Porter feel to them, and I like your composition." J. K. - American Cemetery Magazine - "WOW...they're so beautiful! I love your color & composition. A deep and emotional experience." Bec - my daughter - "simply incredible Pop!!! They seem to come alive." Ruthie Brown - board member/Cedar Hill Cemetery, Hartford, CT. - "However - I must tell YOU that your perspectives and angles are VERY good, "I" really appreciate those immensely." Cheryl - "What beauty. Green-wood cemetery is very special to me . That is where I grew up and have family. I used to go there all the time. I have been wanting to visit, and your photos brought me back there. My Dad as a little boy used to fish in the ponds there with his friends. Thank you for posting." ? - "Great subject, composition, color, focus and a job well done!" Maureen, Chicago, IL. - "Good eye for stories in obscure places. Thanks." S.T., San Diego - "I just stumbled upon your site and found it totally intriguing. Exceptional photography and moving images. I, like so many people out there, are doing genealogy research and I found this to a beautiful site. I am certain my ancestors were in the cemetaries you photographed - all are from Marblehead, Salem, etc... Thanks for putting this very interesting site together! I look forward to new additions to your site." S.K., New York - "Thank you so much for posting your cemetery photos online. I, like you, love cemeteries. Many people don't understand this but it's usually the ones who have no interest in genealogy. The beauty that your photos express will surely inspire many people to see cemeteries in a different way and get them to visit such peaceful places." Judith, Sacramento, CA. - "I too love cemeteries and photography. On a recent trip to Idaho for a family reunion, my husband & I trekked through the stubble of a mowed barley field to photograph a small, practically forgotten, cemetery on the very top of a hill. We took pictures of each marker and the view from the plot. My intention is to post them online for others, like you and me, doing family history research. Your pictures are so moving. Thanks very much for sharing. Keep up the great work. Just Beautiful!" Christie, ? - "Do you have any books of your cemetery photos in the stores? Please let me know." Joshua Inayat's "Cemetery Seeker" blog Krzysztof Gebarowski Photography Gravestone Preservation Gravestone Conservation Save Our Cemeteries The Association for Gravestone Studies Photography links directory at FreePhotoGallery Photography Sites Eternal Touch Studios The Cemetery Club Find-A-Grave Grave Reflections Grave Addiction The Final Curtain The Grave Yard Rabbit Travels Wright ArtNinjas Directory - Submit Link Linx Directory | Add URL, Free Directory The White House  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  
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