Гранулятор.ком - обрудование для сельхозпредприятий: грануляторы, пневмогрузчики, компрессоры, дробилки, пресс на воде
сельхозоборудование, грануляторы, пневмогрузчики, компрессоры, дробилки, пресс на воде, дробилка для орехов, дробилка специй, пневматика
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In website www.burnpell.com are presented and described pellet burners and boilers under brand name BurnPell. Every visitor and potential customer or distributor will find technical parameters, advantages of using and other information, which is useful for each of them. Heating with pellets - one of the most ecological, economical and comfortable heating, which is using renewable energy: biomass pellets (wooden, straw, sunflower husk pellets) and grain (oats and etc.). Experienced consultants are ready to answer all questions during 48 hours.
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