Aarhus: 1,586 results found.
Nutricia Danmark
Nutricia beskæftiger sig 100% med ernæring. For os handler det om mennesker, om sundhed og livskvalitet. Uanset alder.
På denne side kan du finde information om vores produkter - ernæringsdrikke, proteindrikke, børneernæring, sondeernæring, sonder, pumper og tilbehør, samt nyheder og information om efteruddannelsestilbud. Du kan også bestille materialer om ernæring, ligesom du kan bestille specialprodukter direkte.
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* LAICS-Master
The Master programme focuses on innovation and leadership from a 'real-world', practice-based and social skills perspective, and aims at forming connections that will last long after the programme ends. Participants will learn to navigate in formal as well as informal structures and processes. They will explore how to build and lead innovative networks inside and outside organisations, nationally and internationally, and they will learn how to work with the social dynamics of organisations, making them part of the solution rather than the problem. The programme is targeted at organisation leaders, senior project leaders, and key specialists working with innovation and business development, in both the private and public sectors.
Laics.net ~
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bymuseet.dk. Århus historie fortalt gennem udstillinger og arrangementer. Huser desuden en butik, en café og arrangementer der ikke nødvendigvis relaterer til Århus historie.
Bymuseet.dk ~
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