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Our Dictionary of Acronyms is huge database of multilingual acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms, including English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, Latin, Dutch. What does an acronym stand for ? , What does an acronym mean ? , What is the definition of an acronym ?
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Abbreviations dictionary | 缩略语大全,收录全球6大类多个领域4,000,000以上英文缩写、专业术语、方言、流行语......
缩略语查询:收录了跨领域的专业缩略语及解释四百万条以上,涵盖信息技术、石油化工、航空航天、医药、军事、政府、电信、教育、商业金融、体育艺术等领域.suolueyu.com: The suolueyu.com is a searchable database of over 4 million acronyms, abbreviations and meanings.
Covers: common, computers, science, technology, government, telecommunications, and military acronyms.
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