Trusting in God's grace and power, and having chosen to follow Jesus of Nazareth, we are joined together as the Shepherd of the Hills Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Austin, Texas.
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NKABOM LLC | Uniting Through Awareness
Nkabom.com: Nkabom wear is a clothing line that is using fashion as a medium to raise roots awareness and renew minds to support the needy around the globe. Coming together through unity is the cause that defines our destiny. Remember you are only as good as your image. Give happy, live happy.
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Parkour en México : Parkour.com.mx
Bienvenido a la página oficial de Parkour en México: Entrenamientos, Exhibiciones, Fotos, Images, Videos, Links, Enlaces, Fuentes de información, Notas, Ensayos, Viajes. Arte de desplazamiento, art of displacement, arte de movimiento, art of movement, freerunning, correrlibre, correr libre, Estado de Mexico, Distrito Federal, DF, desplace, monkey, catleap, underbar, speed, pasavallas, tic-tac, traceur, trazador, trazando, streetstunt, freewalking, método natural, yamakasi, ecoturismo, etnoturismo, turismo de aventura. Desplazarte en el espacio utilizando únicamente tu cuerpo. Moverte de un lugar a otro de la manera más eficaz posible. Cinética, Kinetics, Kinética, Fisiología, Educación Física, Memoria Motríz, Conciencia Motríz, Human Motion, Motricidad, Psicomotor, Propiocepción, Biokinetics, Traslación. Filosofía, Doctrina, Disciplina, Estilo de vida, Actitud, Superación.
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