Actionable: 3,192 results found.
Actionable Market Sentiment Correlation Analysis - Home uses intelligent algorithms to analyze real-time stock market sentiment
in news media, analysts opinions and social media and charts the correlation of past mktsentiment with future stock price movement.
The Sentiment-Price Correlation charts provide a useful tool to spot trading opportunities.
We can tailor our Real-time Actionable Sentiment Correlation Analysis technology to other applications as well. ~
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RBL Check
Drew Consultants - Delivering Actionable eCommerce Strategy
Management consulting services from a proven business leader with solid strategy consulting expertise in eCommerce, web 2.0, and social media tools and services as they relate to new product/service development and service channel optimization. Experience spans healthcare, insurance, and financial services. Extensive experience and functional knowledge of web platform strategy, user experience design, and web customer informatics. ~
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