The Liberty Activist Home
The Liberty Activist is an organization promoting the ideas of Liberty through personal responsibility and limited government. We believe in limited government, especially in the Federal government through restoring the power over the people to themselves first, their local government second, their state government third and the federal government last with it being bound by the Constitution. We believe in Sound Economic Policy through abolishing the federal Reserve which is a private bank that charges our Government interest on the money it prints us and with government staying out of the way of a truly Free Market. We believe in a non-interventionist foreign policy through not interfering with the internal policies of foreign sovereign states, and only reach out to other nations through friendship & fair trade.
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The ACTivist magazine - Home
Published 4 times per year by ACT for the Earth, Conservatives Block Vote on Moratorium on GM Alfalfa: Motion stalled in Agriculture Committee, Why Wisconsin is the Battleground State, Japan Facing Biggest Catastrophe Since Dawn of Nuclear Age, Radiation from Fukushima nuclear plant ends foreign relief efforts in Japan, Letter from Dr. Rosalie Bertell on Fukushima, CAJ open letter to journalists on the secrecy of the Harper government in Canada
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