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Home - Carbon Currency Foundation - English
Carbon Currency Foundation is a non governmental and non profit organization (ONG), working for a future you can plane in the 5 continents, for the preservation of the raiforests and the equatorial evergreen forests., Save the Amazon Project. The Carbon Currency Foundation project for Saving the Amazon, What is carbon dioxide (CO2) and what are the sources?
Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless gas. It is produced when any carbon-based material used for fuel (coal, oil, wood, etc.) is burned. When fuel burning is not a factor, the main sources are tobacco smoke, human and animal respiration. Carbon dioxide is given off whenever we exhale. Cars, trucks, industrial equipment, and burning fuel for power are some of the major contributors to CO2 in the air., Global carbon currency replacing all paper currencies, limiting manufacturing, food production and people movement
Carbon Currency: A New Beginning for Technocracy?
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ART&SHOW: Variete, Gala, Event, Musiker, Kuenstler, Artisten, Akrobaten, Show, Veranstaltung, Veranstaltungen, Event, Events, Kinderfeste, Regie, Choreografie, Wassernummer, Amazonia, Moderation, Puppentheater
Art und Show - Vermittlung von Künstlern, Artisten, Musikern für Gala, Variete, Events ,Parties etc.. Hilfe bei der Planung von Veranstaltungen
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