Antivirals: 87 results found.
PharmaInformatic Homepage
PharmaInformatic uses chemInformatics, bioInformatics and artificial intelligence to produce new products and services for the pharmaceutical industry. Our expert systems identify promising drug candidates at the earliest stage. This reduces failure rates and will save you time and money. Deutsch: PharmaInformatic benutzt neue wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse aus der ChemieInformatik, BioInformatik und der künstlichen Intelligenz, um innovative Produkte und Dienstleistungen für die Pharmaindustie zu entwickeln. Unsere Expertensysteme erkennen frühzeitig die sinnvollen Substanz-Kandidaten und senken somit die Entwicklungskosten neuer Medikamenten drastisch. ~
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Pierre Jeanniot
JINMAG is a consulting, management and investment company created by Pierre Jeanniot in 1990. The consultancy services offered by Jinmag include observations on the forces and trends reshaping the air transport industry, advice on strategic proposals, projects or plans, and advice and support on specific issues, industry government policies or other strategic discussions related to the air transport industry ~
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Pharmaccines Online
Pharmaccines can stimulate a specific and effective immune response against infectious diseases and cancer. In Pharmaccines there was a potential overlap in the treatment of some antivirals. ~
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