Apostolate: 602 results found.
This web site wants to show the life and the spirit of the first followers of Jesus Christ’s doctrine and the birth of the Catholic Church. It explains the example of the Fathers of the Church, the martyrs, the sacred art of catacombs and some important questions about Christian doctrine. There are also presented documents of interest in relation with the early Christians as films, books, writings, etc.
Earlychristians.org ~
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The Kolbe Center
The Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation is a Roman Catholic lay apostolate dedicated to glorifying the Most Holy Trinity by proclaiming the truth about the origins of man and the universe. The Kolbe Center seeks to educate the public, particularly within the Catholic Church, in the truth of creation as revealed in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition and as confirmed by the findings of modern science.
Kolbecenter.org ~
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Katner Law Firm
Kevin J. Katner is a personal injury lawer with over 20 years of extensive experience in accident cases. He is committed to highly personalized service and precise attention to detail.
Katnerlaw.com ~
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