Sarasota Assisted Living
Sarasota assisted living is about helping people with independent living in Sarasosta. We have fully functional Sarasota assisted living facilities, but can also help people with independent living in the Sarasota area.
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Seattle Equine Assisted
About supporting EAGALA model EAP (Equine Assisted Psychotherapy) and EAL (Equine Assisted Learning) in the Seattle area. Offerings include 'Team Builder' EAL for business, 'Couples Workshop' for couples, and generally counseling services, but done using the EAGALA model of EAP/EAL.
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Zig Priede Home Page
Zig Priede Art, Zigmunds Priede, Printmaker, Lithographer, Mixed Media,University of Minnesota, ULAE Zig Priede Art, Zigmunds Priede, Printmaker, Lithographer, Mixed Media,University of Minnesota, ULAE Master Printer, Rhode Island, Modern Mythology, Abstr
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