Awareness: 79,545 results found.
Parent Awareness .org brings awareness to parents. We talk about important things such as the dangers that face our children, how to keep our families healthy & safe, important financial issues that face every family, and the truths that every parent must know. ~
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Create Awareness - Home
. "Awareness" is a term referring to the ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects or patterns. wikipwdia .com Encourage, Advise and Counsel one another. Proverbs 27:9Colon Canc ~
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Spiritual Awareness Centre
The Spiritual Awareness Centre is a training and support centre for the spiritually aware, and those who would like to increase their awareness. We offer classes in spiritual healing, spirtual awareness and guided meditation. We also have an open mediumship development circle, and other mediumship trainings. ~
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The Awareness Party
The Awareness Party is a political movement based on conscious awareness of the truth of life on this planet. It is intended to harness people power to create change. It acknowledges that we are one people on one planet and what disadvantages one disadvantages all - therefore we need to care for our home, Earth, and for each other. All policies will therefore be based on “The Seven Principles of the Awareness Party. ~
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