No Dogs Left Behind - Operation Baghdad Pups
In honor of Ralphie and in honor of all the men and woman who bravely defend our freedom each day, I am raising money for this worthy cause. I hope that you will assist me in reaching my $4,000 fund raising goal—enough to bring one dog home to the U.S. to be reunited with his or her soldier.
Save-the-pups.com ~
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شبكة بغداد للابد - :: Baghdad4ever.Net ::
baghdad4ever,بغداد,عراق,اغاني,بطاقة,صور,دردشة,جات,منتدى عراقي,منتديات,بغداد للابد,العراق,الجامعة,فوتوشوب,الساهر,حشاشة,حب,شباب,بطاقات,المستنصرية,حشاشة,شط العرب,دجلة,فرات,ترايدنت
Baghdad4ever.net ~
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