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Associate Family Physicians Clinic
The Associate Family Physicians Clinic has been at the present location since November 1983. This is a family practice clinic with a full scope of services offered within the building including such things as making of ear molds, sclerotherapy, ECG, pulmonary function testing, cryo therapy, suturing, circumcisions and vasectomies. We have a registered nurse on site 3 days per week and a Licensed Practical Nurse on site 5 days per week. The Clinic is fully computerized including medical records so that each doctor has instant access to complete files. ~
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KINGDOM OF SAXONY, das junge sächsische Modelabel bei dem barocke Elemente moderne Streetwear prägen. Verspielt und cool, elegant, dabei lässig, aber immer edel, modern und gleichsam traditionell. Das sind die Schlagwörter für die KINGDOM OF SAXONY steht ~
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