![belu.nl](http://dlcache.com/sthumb/128/belu.nl.gif) |
Belu BV - Partner in bonding solutions
Belu BV - Partner in bonding solutions. Productgroepen, Marktsegmenten, Meubelstoffering, Dakbedekking, Olie-water-gas, Carrosseriebouw, Interieurbouw en meubelmakerij, Schuimverlijmingen, Isolatie, Offshore, Kunststof, Autobekleding, Hydrauliek en pneumatiek, Elektronica, Landbouw, Luchtvaart, Machine- en apparatenbouw, Standbouw, Metaalvewerking, Pleziervaart, Scheepsbouw, Scheeps- en jachtbetimmering, BELUBOND Spuitlijm, BELUBOND Specials, Syntho-Glass , BELUBOND Tapes, Superdots lijmdots, ERGO Cyanocrylaat lijmen, ERGO Anaerobe lijmen, ERGO Acrylaatlijmen NO-MIX, ERGO MMA lijmen, ERGO Epoxylijmen, ERGO Epoxy plamuur, ERGO RTV-Siliconen, ERGO MS Polymeren, ERGO Hulpproducten , Merken, ERGO, Belubond , Syntho-Glass , Sign industrie, Toepassingen, Spuitlijmen, Schroefdraadborging, Superdots, ERGO Anti-seize, Metaal verlijmen, Draadbuisafdichting, Kunststof verlijmen, Oppervlakteafdichting, Lagerborging, Hout verlijmen, Foam verlijmen, Oppervlaktereparatie, Voedselverwerkende industrie, Woning- en projectstoffering, MPAC10 Light, Smeermiddel
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![belu-superdots.de](http://dlcache.com/sthumb/f11/belu-superdots.de.gif) |
Wilkommen bei Belu-SuperDots Deutschland
Fantas-tak are Yorkshire based adhesive manufactures, specialising in domestic and industrial adhesives, including the revolutionary SuperDots glue dots. The product range also includes SuperCentres & SuperStuds CD packaging and fixings, the SuperDots, SuperFast adhesive dispensing system, and glue guns plus industrial adhesive tapes and the SuperDisc, sealing disc for securely closing packaging and literature.
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![mirceabelu.com](http://dlcache.com/sthumb/6ed/mirceabelu.com.gif) |
MIRCEA BELU www.mirceabelu.com - Mircea Belu 1941-2002
MIRCEA BELU Actor Poet TEATRUL NATIONAL TIMISOARA Mircea Stefan Belu (1941, Lugoj - 2002, Timisoara) a studiat cu Gheorghe Dem Loghin la Institutul de Teatru si Cinematografie I. L. Caragiale, Bucuresti, promotia 1969.A debutat la Teatrul Dramatic Bacovia din Bacau, iar din 1975 s-a consacrat ca actor al Teatrului National Mihai Eminescu din Timisoara. A interpretat un lung sir de personaje celebre, a creat si a sustinut memorabile spectacole de Poezie, multe dintre ele incununate cu premii ale criticii de specialitate.
Poet, membru al Uniunii Scriitorilor din Romania a publicat 12 volume de poezie, iar 3 volume i-au aparut post-mortem.
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![superdots.nl](http://dlcache.com/sthumb/e21/superdots.nl.gif) |
Welkom bij Handelsonderneming BELU B.V.
Fantas-tak are Yorkshire based adhesive manufactures, specialising in domestic and industrial adhesives, including the revolutionary SuperDots glue dots. The product range also includes SuperCentres & SuperStuds CD packaging and fixings, the SuperDots, SuperFast adhesive dispensing system, and glue guns plus industrial adhesive tapes and the SuperDisc, sealing disc for securely closing packaging and literature.
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