Bioengineering: 482 results found.
Rafael Herrejon's Homepage
Rafael Herrejon has recently obtained the doctoral degree at the Intelligent Control Systems Laboratory, Department of System Information Sciences in the Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University, Japan. He received a B.S degree in Electronic and Computer Systems EngineerinG
in 2000 from Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM) in Mexico, where he was a member of the honors program (PSE).
After working as an automation engineer in the leading steel company in Mexico for 19 months, he was granted a scholarship by the Japanese government to enter Tohoku University in 2002. He received his MSc degree in Mechatronics Engineering in 2004 from the Departament of Bioengineering and Robotics.
His research interests concern the field of visual servoing, and biped robots. During his PhD studies, he developed a system for catching a high speed object using a monocular image sequence. During his MSc studies, he studied the stability of a semipasive biped robot with torso. ~
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Urban Creeks Council
Join The Urban Creeks Council, based in berkeley, California, plans and implements urban creek restoration programs, and educates communities about the value of urban watersheds. ~
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DGBMT - Initiative MikroMedizin
DGBMT - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik im VDE - Innovationen in Medizintechnik und BioEngineering
Die DGBMT fördert die Zusammenarbeit von Naturwissenschaftlern, Ingenieuren und Ärzten in Forschung, Entwicklung, Anwendung und Lehre. Dabei sollen der Wissensaustausch in den unterschiedlichen Fachdisziplinen der Biomedizinischen Technik unterstützt und der Transfer neuer Technologien in die medizinische Anwendung beschleunigt werden. ~
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