In 1992 Frank Bozeman, Tom Jenkins and Larry Matthews, combined their experience with their roles as leaders and innovators to pursue their vision for providing the highest quality legal services in Northwest Florida. As a highly regarded regional law firm with a reputation for integrity and results, Bozeman, Jenkins & Matthews handle both residential and commercial real estate closings, simple and complex estate planning, and corporate formation for any personal or business arrangement. Bozeman, Jenkins & Matthews handle litigation involving almost every type of civil matter as well as provide legal counsel to insurance companies, businesses and governmental entities. This depth of experience, combined with extensive real estate background, ensures a practical, exacting and, if necessary, aggressive approach to your real estate needs. Licensed in both Florida and Alabama, the offices are located in Pensacola, Panama City and Fort Walton Beach. Working in a team environment based on appreciation and respect, we routinely travel to other locations that are convenient to our clients. Bozeman, Jenkins & Matthew aim to deliver a quality, first-rate legal product as a result of loyalty to clients, efficient file management, and timely response to each and every case development. At Bozeman, Jenkins & Matthews, people are our most valued asset. Please contact us for all of your real estate, estate planning, and business litigation needs.
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BJM Projetos
A BJM PROJETOS, tem como poltica fornecer produtos com agilidade, variedade e qualidade atendendo os requisitos para satisfazer pessoas. Atravs de melhoria contnua atingir os objetivos e metas como uma empresa capaz, inovadora, confivel e tica.
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BJM Services, votre Frigoriste Nord pas de calais,59,62,Jean-Marc BAILLEUX,Installation,depannage,entretien,mise en service pompe a chaleur
BJM Services est votre frigoriste, je réalise vos mise en service pompe a chaleur, votre installation, dépannage et entretien de vos chambres froides, vitrines et comptoirs réfrigérés, climatisation, pompes à chaleur. Je suis un technicien agréé en préfecture pour effectuer les contrôles d’étanchéité de vos équipements frigorifiques. Bjm Services est une station technique agrée pour réaliser la mise en service de vos pompes à chaleur en aérothermie et géothermie dans le Nord pas de calais,59,62
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