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Nacny Coggeshall, Author - A Rhode Islander by birth, Nancy Coggeshall began writing billet-douxs and long letters to penpals in Finland, Scotland, and Jamaica as a girl. At the University of Rhode Island, she studied with Nancy Potter (We Have Seen the Beset of Our Times and Legacies) and later taught high school English in Toronto. Freelancing from rural Quebec in the 1970s, she became a contributing writer to Harrowsmith, then Canada’s third largest magazine. Two of her articles were anthologized in Harrowsmith’s Reader, and in 1978 she won a Writer’s Digest first prize for her profile of Australia’s 1976-Olympic show-jumping equestrian, Kevin Bacon. FOR MORE ON NANCY COGGESHALL, PLEASE VISIT NANCYCOGGESHALL.COM ~
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