CFMP-Comptoir français des métaux précieux
Cfmp, comptoir français des métaux précieux, joaillier, vend,
achète, restaure, bijoux anciens, bijoux signés, montres, pièces
d'or, métaux précieux, pierres précieuses, diamants, rubis,
émeraudes, bagues...
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Wartski is a family owned firm of art and antique dealers, specialising in fine jewellery and gold boxes; particularly works by Carl Faberge, Castellani & Giuliano and Falize.
Wartski.com ~
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Matthew Foster
Based in London's exclusive Burlington Arcade, Matthew Foster is a leading purveyor of highest quality jewellery and collectibles from the Art Deco, Retro, Art Modern and 1960's periods of the 20th Century.
Matthew-foster.co.uk ~
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