fiberoption/志宏實業-chenille, boucle, novelty, fancy yarns
Specialize in chenille yarns for upholstery weaving and home furnishing trade. Also other novelty yarns and fancy yarns for all applications. Equipped with SSM for precision winding and for perfect dye package. 專業生產各式絨紗,專供傢飾織布市場。並供應多類花式紗。備有SSM 倒筒機 可提供標準染筒規格。 fiberoption, Chenille, Chenille yarns, yarns, fancy yarns, novelty yarns, boucle, ribbon, tape yarns, seed yarns, upholstery yarns, hand knitting yarns, crochet yarns, craft yarns, Taiwan yarns. eyelash yarn, feather yarn, Rayon chenille, polyester chenille, cotton chenille, acrylic chenille, jacquard fabrics, 志宏實業, 絨紗,紗,花式紗,圈圈紗,帶子紗,織布紗,手勾紗,台灣紗,羽毛紗, 提花布,傢飾布,雪尼尔
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