Stock Analysis, Stock Recommendation, Stock Prediction, Mutual Fund, NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX, TSX, TSX-V, LSE, SGX
Qickr.com provides free stock market analysis, stock market trend analysis, stock technical analysis and on-line stock screening tools. In Qickr.com you will find automated stock and mutual fund analysis: Daily, weekly, monthly summary
Past and future performance analysis. Stock recommendations computed daily using the latest research in data analysis and artificial intelligence. Solid picks: stocks that have been strong performers over the years. Value picks: stocks that have been performing well and might have been undervalued.
New features and analysis techniques are continously developed and added in http://www.qickr.com., Qickr.com provides free stock market analysis and on-line stock screening tools for NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ, TSX, TSE, LSE, HKSE and SGX. In Qickr.com you will find automated stock and mutual fund analysis: * Daily, weekly, monthly summary
* Past and future performance analysis * Stock recommendations computed daily using the latest research in data analysis and artificial intelligence * Solid picks: stocks that have been strong performers over the years * Value picks: stocks that have been performing well and might have been undervalued.
New features and analysis techniques are continously developed and added in www.qickr.com. We greatly appreciate and welcome feedback, please send comments to qmaster at qickr.com!
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