Brittain McJunkin Photography
Brittain McJunkin, M.D. is an internist/gastroenterologist from Charleston, WV, currently employed as Professor of Medicine at WVU Health Sciences Center/Charleston. His photographs have been shown in regional and national exhibits, and have won awards for excellence. Works include digital images and digital printing from film negatives. Despite the dramatic manipulative capabilities of the digital darkroom, he attempts to stay within the realm of classic photographic imaging, avoiding gimmicky deviation from or drastic distortion of the original image. He consistently seeks clean, uncluttered, uncontrived compositions and admires the unique qualities of black and white photography, particularly in regard to the relationship of light to geometric forms. Subject matter is eclectic, with search for relevance in objects or structures, but also with a leaning toward photojournalistic images involving human endeavors.
Inquiries on prices of prints may be directed to bmcjunkinphoto@yahoo.com.
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