Brunner: 1,760 results found.
Sabine Brunner - Training & Coaching
Sabine Brunner ist als Beraterin und Trainerin in Nürnberg und der weiteren Umgebung tätig. Durch ihre Ausbildung und Erfahrung kann sie Ihrem Unternehmen in verschiedenen Bereichen hilfreich zur Seite stehen. Darunter fallen folgende Schwerpunkte:
Lösungsorientiert Kommunizieren, Teamentwicklung, Führen und Motivieren, Mediation, Persönliche Kompetenz - Coaching.
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Nature's Art - Photography by S.M. Brunner
"Focusing on the Ordinary ....
To Capture the Extraordinary"
Nature’s Art was born in my mind many years ago as I traversed the woods of Pennsylvania. As a self-taught artist using photography as my primary medium, I found the perfect way to capture the essence of the moment in the natural beauty that surrounds us. Through my photographs I am able to share my experiences in nature with you.
Everything we see in nature is a work of art - the challenge is finding the extraordinary in what we deem to be ordinary. Through diligence I have found that the natural world provides art in a limitless supply.
The photographs I take are natural, utilizing both film and digital formats.
I hope that you view my photographs as I do - an art that, unretouched, gives us a glimpse of all that Nature has to offer.
"Seek, experience, and enjoy your passions in life that help to define who you are."
S. M. Brunner ~
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