Andrew van der Merwe, calligraphy and design
Andrew van der Merwe calligraphy, hand lettering and design for clients worldwide. This site is mostly a portfolio of my work on corporate ID, advertisements, wine labels, book covers, illuminated addresses/scrolls, awards, calligraphic art, invitations, heraldry, etc. Much of my work is done for other designers and agencies. There is also some info about the Cape Friends of Calligraphy and workshops I present. Don't miss the free e-stationery. Check out the Wild Side.
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Invitations, calligraphy, calligrapher, bridal, weddings, accessories, announcements, parties, elaine, stationery, computer, addressing, envelopes, calligraphist, special events, copperplate, scriptwriting, handlettering, love, writing, certificates, seating chart, spencerian
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