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Zippo Harley Davison Blue!
When you buy Zippo, you have the luck with oneself.
I will I will count you a history that happened during the war of Vietnam. The Sergeant Martínez kept in his pocket of the chest a Zippo, one day the enemy's bullet impacted in the sergeant's chest Martínez and it destroyed its lighter Zippo.
To the Sergeant Martínez NO!.¡Zippo Harley Davison Blue!
Cuando usted compra a Zippo, usted tiene la suerte con uno.
Voy a yo contarle una historia que pasó durante la guerra de Vietnam. El Sargento Martínez guardó en su bolsillo del pecho a Zippo, un día la bala del enemigo impactada en el pecho del sargento Martínez y esto destruyó a su Zippo ligero.
¡A el Sargento Martínez NO!. ~
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