Celsius: 1,529 results found.
Celcius To Farenheit Calculator
Both Celcius and Farenheit are the measurement of temperature. Other measurements of temperature are Kelvin and Reamur or Rankine. But Celcius is the most popular one. Celcius is used worldwide and has been used since the 18th century. It was named after a Swedish astronomer, who studied the temperature scaling in the 18th century. Celcius is symbolized with C. All measurements of scale are written with a degree symbol right beside the number. For example, ten Celcius is written 100 C. 00 Celcius is defined as the temperature when water freeze, and 1000 Celcius is defined as the temperature when water boils, both at the standard room pressure, or 1 atm. Celcius is mainly used for scientific, medical, and regular applications. In physics, biology and chemistry, Celcius is used as a scale for temperature beside Kelvin.
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