GODO electronics
GODO Electronics Inc is a company, working, in the domain of the high technologies. The professional interests are projecting, building as well urging in systems of government and control, a far - out electronic appointment and systems of government of industrial processes, control and a tape of the car car traffic, building electric force facilities, a video observant and a video protective systems, signal Protective systems, systems of control of access and control of the hardworking Computer nets and computers, telephone centrals and a electronic office-a appointment, satellites, that are digital, and systems television for hotels and administrative buildings, a radio- communicational systems, systems for a video- conference linkage, and their integration in a one system for remark, management and control.
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OXV Opció per Vilassar
Gent diversa i plural de Vilassar, especialment preocupada per conservar i fomentar l'esperit de poble i el seu entorn social, humà i natural. A OXV hi convivim persones de diferents sensibilitats i ideologies que ens unim per a la millora del benestar local i la defensa de la nostra identitat com a poble. Sense lligams a partits o sigles, creiem que la singularitat de Vilassar només pot ser defensada de manera òptima per un grup com el nostre, lliure de condicionants dels aparells centrals que imposen la seva visió territorial. En l'aspecte jurídic formal, estem constituïts com una associació civica cultural inscrita al registre d'entitats de la Generalitat
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