The Certification Industry Against Counterfeiting (CIAC) is an international network of certification organizations committed to stopping the worldwide proliferation of products bearing counterfeit certification marks that may endanger public health and safety.
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CIAC . Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação
O CIAC tem como objectivo desenvolver investigação aplicada e redes de investigação em artes e comunicação, implementar laboratórios de criação artística nas áreas do Teatro, Cinema e outras artes, com enfoque na região do Mediterrâneo.CIAC aims to develop applied research and research networks in arts and communication; to implement laboratories of artistic creation in the fields of Theatre, Film, and other Arts, focusing in the Mediterranean region.
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Welcome to CIAC
The LSU Construction Industry Advisory Council (LSU CIAC) was established in 1997 to help build LSU’s Construction Management Department into the premier training ground for construction managers who are ready to hit the ground running.
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CiaC - Colom, recursos humans mallorca, estudis de mercat, mejora del rendimiento, millora del rendiment, fundacion tripartita mallorca, fundacio tripartita, planificacio empreses, planificacion empresas mallorca, planificacion estrategica mallorca, estudios de mercado gestio recursos humans mallorca, consultoria mallorca, consultoria recursos humans mallorca, formacio mallorca, formacio empreses mallorca, gestio recursos humans mallorca, gestio empreses mallorca
CiaC dona suport a empreses per millorar el rendiment de lorganització, gestiona serveis socioculturals forma equips, gestionant i/o impartint la formació amb excel·lència.
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