Clerk: 8,402 results found.
Danny T. Dyson Clerk of Court. Danny T. Dyson, was appointed Alexander County Clerk of Court on June 1, 2009 replacing Seth Chapman. Danny was Assistant/Deputy Clerk of Court for 23 Years. He has attended many training conferences sponsored by the Administration Office of the Courts and the Institute of Government throughout the State of North Carolina.
Let's Elect Danny T. Dyson in November. ~
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Inventory-Portal Ltd - inventory clerk training courses, inventory clerk jobs, software and to obtain property inventory, check-in and check-out reports
Inventory-portal Ltd supplies high quality inventory and schedule of condition reports to landlords and letting agents to meet the requirements of the tenancy deposit scheme (TDS). We also provide training for those looking for inventory clerk jobs and a new career or business as a professional residential property inventory clerk. Our training and software is aimed at DEAs, NDEAs, Home Inspectors, energy technitions and assessors, estate and letting agents, surveyors and beginners too. We offer Accreditation and licensing with quality assurance, audit, CPD and life-long-learning through the Licensed Inventory Scheme, LIS. ~
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