Fichtner GmbH&Co.KG
On this internet platform you will find information to the following topics AAU Assigned Amount Unit, Additionality, Afforestation, Approve, AIJ Activities Implemented Jointly, Annex B countries, Annex I countries, AP Accreditation Panel, Baseline, Bilateral, BAU Business as usual, CDCF Community Development Carbon Fund, CDM Clean Development Mechanism, CER Certified Emission Reduction, CERUPT, Certification, CO2 Carbon Dioxide, Commitment period, Crediting Period, COP Conference of the Parties, ERPA Emission Reduction purchase Agreement, ERUPT, MOP Meeting of the Parties, DOE Designated Operational Entity, DNA Designated National Authority, Determination, EB Executive Board, EIA Environmental Impact Assessment, EIT Economies in Transition, Eligibility, eligible, ERU Emission Reduction Unit, EU ETS European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, Focal Point, GDP Gross Domestic Product, GHG Greenhouse gas, GWP Global Warming Potential, Guide, HFC Hydrofluorocarbon, Host countries, IE Independent Entity, IEA International Energy Agency, Investor countries, IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IRR Internal Rate of Return, JI Joint Implementation, Kyoto Protocol, Leakage, LULUCF Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry, Manual, Marrakech Accords, Methodology, Monitoring Plan, Multilateral, NGO Non-governmental Organization, NOx Nitrogen Oxide, O & M Operation and Maintenance, OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, PCF Prototype Carbon Fund, PFC Perfluorocarbon, PDD Project Design Document, Project activity boundary participants, PV Photovoltaic, Reforrestation, Secretariat, SD Sustainable Development, SF6 Sulphur Hexafluoride, SO2 Sulphur Dioxide, JI-SC Supervisory Committee, First second Track, Unilateral, UNDP United Nations Development Programme, UNEP United Nations Environment Programme, UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Verification, Validation, WHO World Health Organization, WMO World Meteorological Organization
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