Coactive: 97 results found.
089-IT | Netzwerk- und Computerservice München
089-IT, München - Netzwerk- und Computerservice für Unternehmen, Institutionen und Privatkunden in München. Leistungen: Computer- und Netzwerk-Service, Webdesign, Internet WLAN Router-Installation, PC Service, Computerservice, internet, dsl, wlan, router, Virenbeseitigung, EDV-Service, Hotline, München, Bayern. ~
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Home Coactive Counseling James Yates Charlottesville Gestalt therapy group Virginia training
In Coactive Counseling, the participants are both facilitators and recipients of the counseling process. Built on equality and mutual support, Coactive Counseling empowers participants to become more active and conscious in their personal growth and emotional healing.
Coactive Counseling is founded on two basic principles. The first is best represented by the proverb: Give a person a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a person to fish and she will eat for a lifetime. The second principle is the healing power of people helping each other. ~
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