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SAHARA - Colliers de perles anciennes
L'origine des perles remonte à la nuit des temps, la matière utilisée est toujours noble, rare et symbolique . Dans les temps primitifs jusques aux grandes civilisations antiquestelles que l'Égypte, Rome, et la Mésopotamie, les perles ont tenues une place de choix dans les sociétés. ~
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Los Angeles Urban Redevelopment Group | Colliers International
Mark Tarczynski is the industry's leading Urban Redevelopment and Historic Property brokers, have formed a team to focus on the redevelopment of historic buildings and infill land within Downtown Los Angeles. By leveraging the global platform of Colliers International with their collective downtown expertise and relationships, the Urban Redevelopment Group has continually provided Sellers and Buyers with the most up-to-date intimate market knowledge to help identify tomorrow’s opportunities today. ~
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