Confessing: 204 results found.
All Saints Church, Anchorage, Alaska
All Saints' Episcopal Church in downtown Anchorage is an orthodox Anglican Church affiliated with the Anglican Communion Network (ACN). Our purpose is to proclaim the Gospel so that together we may worship the Lord Jesus Christ and serve Him in the world. ~
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With Confessapp you can share your confessions with the rest of the world anonymously, and you will be able to read other peoples confessions which are divided in different categories. You are also able to judge a specific confession by either voting to forgive or not. ~
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Iglesia Universal Apostólica Anglicana
Somos UNA, SANTA, CATOLICA y APOSTOLICA. Hacemos parte de la Iglesia Anglicana de las Americas. Nuestra FE de fundamenta en la Biblia, la tradición y la Razón. Nuestra creencia esta expuesta en los CREDOS y se manifiestan en los Sacramentos: bautismo, eucaristía, confirmación, reconciliación, matrimonio, ordenación y unción de los enfermos. Honramos a Maria, madre de Jesús, y a los santos por su virtuosa y santa vida ~
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