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Free AMV Converter - free amv converter download and converting
Free AMV Converter is used to conver video to AMV format supported by some MP3 Players; AMV Converter can easily convert all the popular video to AMV supported players, such as Mp4, MP3, MTV players, 3G phone, etc; AMV Converter for Mac can convert all the popular video formats like iMovie projects, iTunes video/audio, QuickTime video, YouTube downloads, torrent files to AMV format.
Freeamvconverter.com ~
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PTV Professional TeleVision GmbH
PTV Professional TeleVision GmbH, Entwicklung, Herstellung und Vertrieb von Audio- und Video-Technik, D-24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg, Audio, Digital, CCIR 601, EBU, SMPTE, Timecode, FKTG, Video, Monitor
Ptv-gmbh.de ~
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