bianca cordova photography
A longtime friend recently told me that no one would be able to recognize me without a camera in front of my face. I think she's right.
I have loved photography pretty much my entire life. My favorite childhood gift (and only one I remember) was a Fisher Price camera. I entered college with high hopes of becoming a photographer and gave up early on when I didn’t have the patience with myself to hone my craft.
Still, I was an avid photographer until my camera broke and I couldn’t afford to fix it or buy a new one. My oldest child’s birth was met with a disposable camera and my dad’s horrible digital cheapo.
Two summers ago, I was a bridesmaid in a wedding and Kella Macphee was the photographer. A gentle soul, Kella’s incredible talent reignited my passion for photography and I slowly saved up to be reunited with the lens.
I see photographs in almost everything. Rich, dark nights and crisp, luminous days; moments of pure joy and jolting realizations of heartbreak; humans, animals, insects, everything we create and put into our world. I want to capture it all.
My approach to photographing events or portraits is more stalker, less JC Penney. I am at my best when standing on the edges, capturing moments as they naturally occur. My true joy is in photographing a person, or a place, or a thing, (any noun, really) and then dissecting it. Taking it apart so that if I wanted to, I could form a loose puzzle with all the pieces (nothing fitting together perfectly, yet subtly matching perfectly). While I am happy to take posed photographs (and do often with my kids), I have found that the best ones are always the ones I take while no one else is looking.
I am always open to suggestions, new scenes to capture, or constructive criticism. Feel free to drop me a line – biancacordovaphotography@gmail.com
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Cesar Cordova. Pintor.
Csar Crdova (Mxico D.F., 1983) Licenciado en Artes Visuales por la Escuela Nacional de Artes Plsticas de la Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico (2003-2006). Ha expuesto individualmente en la Galera Nadia Montefiore (2009), Artlalpan Galera (2006), la Masmdula Galera (2003), Galera 2 de la ENAP-UNAM (2003) y el Instituto Mexicano de la Juventud (2003). Ha participado en diversas exposiciones colectivas en Mxico, Estados Unidos, Italia, Colombia y Alemania. Fue apoyado por el Programa Nacional de Becas para la Educacin Superior (Fundacin UNAM, 2003-2006) y becado en el 2004 y el 2007 por el programa de apoyo a Proyectos Artsticos y Culturales del Instituto Mexicano de la Juventud.
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