Quotes and quotations of famous artists - modern art | contemporary art | expressionism |painters abstract
Quotes and quotations of famous artists in modern art. Quotes of Albers, Appel, Hans Arp, Baziotes, Beckman, Beuys, Braque, Cézanne, Chagall, de Chirico, Constable, Corot, Délacroix, van Doesburg, Dubuffet, Marcel Duchamp, Frankenthaler, Caspar David Friedrich, Gorky, Gottlieb, Guston, Marsden Hartley, Hepworth, Hans Hofmann, Hopper, Jasper Johns, Jorn, Kandinsky, Kelly, Kirchner, Klee, Yves Klein, Kline, e Kooning, Krasner, Léger, Liechtenstein, Joan Mitchell, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Mondrian, Monet, Motherwell.
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