Counterpart: 440 results found.
Counterpart International - Afghanistan
In March 2011, Counterpart International – Afghanistan intends to award a locally registered Civil
Society Organization (CSO) one Women Reintegration and Reconciliation related grant as part of the
implementation of its United Stated Agency for International Development (USAID) funded Initiative
to Promote Afghan Civil Society II (I-PACS II). In this relation, Counterpart International –
Afghanistan is requesting concept papers from all interested civil society organizations for projects
intended to support initiatives that articulate specific measures and activities to include women
in the reconciliation and reintegration process: weather of economic, social, or political nature,
within the context of addressing the role of civil society in Afghanistan. ~
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Counterpart, Inc. | Industrial Metal Fabrication | Brookings, SD
Counterpart, Industrial Metal Fabrication. Providing experience, integrity, performance, and quality to all your industrial metal fabrication, contract manufacturing, welding, and assembly needs. Brookings, SD ~
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