Texas Crushing, S.A. de C.V. Venta y Renta de Equipo de Trituracion.
Texas Crushing, S.A. de C.V. Venta y Renta de equipo de trituracion, carga y acarreo, servicio especializado de transporte de equipo pesado, Impactos, Cribas, Bandas Transportadoras, Bulldozer, Cargadores, Retroexcavadoras, Impactos, Doble Impactos, Generadores, Plantas Fijas y Portatiles.
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Home | Parker Plant Ltd
Quality Engineering Excellence Since 1911. Parker Plant equipment has established itself as the most reliable solution to all crushing, screening, asphalt and Sand and Gravel projects. Product design and manufacture are carried out in-house and utilise the latest technology, enabling production to be kept under one roof. The range of products are backed up by the services of skilled erection teams, for installation and commissioning, also available are experienced after sales personnel for assisting with customer parts and maintenance requirements.
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