Phelan, Phelan & Danek, LLP - 518.640.6900 - Albany NY - Medical Malpractic, Personal Injury, Construction Law, Labor Law, Professional Malpractice, Insurance Defense, Products Liability, Commercial Law, Appellate Practice
Located in Albany New York's Capital District and established in 1993, the trial lawyers at Phelan, Phelan & Danek, LLP have several hundred judgment verdicts on their resume. The firm’s lawyers have represented individuals and corporations in virtually all aspects of civil and white-collar criminal litigation. It was honored to have two of its members selected to the National Honorary Trial Lawyers Society, Litigation Counsel of America. Last year, one of the partners, Robin B. Phelan, was recognized as a prestigious “Super Lawyer” for Upstate New York. The lawyers of Phelan, Phelan & Danek, LLP have a long record of success in the courtroom. They blend skill and insight with sophisticated legal savvy to achieve the best possible results for their clients. When it comes to guiding its clients through the arduous experience of litigation, few law firms in Upstate New York match the skill and track record of Phelan, Phelan & Danek, LLP.
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Danek S. Kaus is a veteran journalist and publicist. He has published hundreds of articles in about 75 newspapers and magazines, and dozens of websites. His publicity clients have been featured in such media outlets as USA Today, CNN and others. Learn from Dan about how to get free publicity through various means.
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KR studio je luxusní klimatizovaný kosmetický salon, který používá francouzskou kosmetiku Darphin, nehtovou kosmetiku Jessica, cukrovou pastu Pandhy´s a teplý vosk. kr studio prodává kosmetiku Darphin, preparáty značky Jessica. kr studio provádí hloubkovou modelaci obličeje,úpravu obočí,nabízí zpevňující péče o tělo i dekolt. | kosmetický salon Praha
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