Darrick: 153 results found.
Dr Darrick Sahara - Sahara Clinic
The Sahara Clinic Chiropractic Care and Applied Kinesiology. Dr. Darrick E. Sahara, Chiropractic Kinesiologist, practices AK, NET, TBM, Homeopathy, cold laser therapy, color therapy, various, specific forms of detoxifications, Gonstead adjustments, diversified technique, natural anti - aging therapies, vibrational medicine therapies, gentle Cranial-Sacral Therapy and advance alternative sports medicine therapies, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) and much more.
The Sahara Clinic is dedicated to empowering people of the absolute importance of Chiropractic Kinesiology for optimal wellness, accelerated recovery and pinnacle performance. Applied Kinesiology (AK) and Natural Health is the most accurate way to resolve any health problem whether physical, biochemical or mental.
Dr. Sahara is a 8 year cancer survivor! Stay tuned for his personal cancer cure story/ testimony. Chiropractic Kinesiology has balanced his body so that he has been able to overcome cancer! His experience includes NFL football players, celebrities, CEOs, NCAA Div I College
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